Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bread Log #20100511


  • 200 g coarse wholemeal rye flour
  • 200 g fine wholemeal wheat flour
  • 600 g plain wheat flour
  • 50 g roasted sunflower seeds
  • 7 dl water, hand-hot
  • 1 packet dry yeast
  • 2 tsp (12 g) coarse sea-salt
  • dash of olive oil


Everything kneaded in mixer - I let it run longer than I usually do, probably about 10 mins total. The dough seemed better for it. Let rise 1 hour, divide into two balls, rest 20 mins, flatten and roll into shape. Placed into greased bread pans, into oven on 230 C for about 25 mins, turned oven down to 200 C and placed aluminum foil over pans. Left for another 30 mins or so, then took the loaves out and left to cool.


I'm actually pretty pleased with this one. It came out fluffier than my wholemeals usually do, with that nice home-baked crumb to it, and the crust was less hard. I think this liquid ratio is good as it was also much less dry than previous breads, but the dough was still manageable.

Possible improvements:

I think a slight bit more salt might be good - perhaps up to 18 g with the type of salt I'm using. It could also do with more seeds, I think 75 g would be better. The seeds should also be added much later in the kneading process, whole seeds are few and far between in the end product. I'd also like it to rise for longer to develop more flavour - I assume colder water and less yeast will solve this.